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How does this work?

The site allows you to tell us about a problem on a street or with a rubbish or recycling service e.g. a missed collection, or request additional services from us, such as ordering new recycling containers. Once you have reported something to us, our teams will deal with it and then we will let you know when it has been taken care of.

How do I submit a report?

You can submit a report in the following ways:

  • Use this web site. Simply go to the sign in page and add the details. You simply select a location on a map (or type it in), add a picture (if you have one), give us a few details (such as a description) and upload.
  • Using your Smartphone. You can download the free Love Clean Streets app the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and set Islington London Borough as your 'Home' authority.

How do I review the progress of reports?

You can use this site at any time to search for and find reports and see their current status (including reports you have submitted that have not yet been approved).

In addition you can subscribe to reports using any RSS Reader (such as Microsoft Outlook) and be notified when new reports are posted or changed.


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